6th February 2025 7:30pm (UK time GMT) - Entrance from 7.15pm Astrology & Mortality with Sue Brayne
Our astrological chart puts us back in Right Relationship with our mortality. Sue discusses how psychopomp Mercury, Saturn, and the transpersonal planets might step forward to support us as we approach death, the significance of the 4th, 8th, and 12th houses of beginnings and endings, and how the astrological cycles bring our life to a close. Understanding this reconnects us to Kairos time and can ease our fear of death.
Sue Brayne MA, D.F. Astrol.S. is an end-of-life researcher, author, and astrological journalist. Sue has an MA in Rhetoric and Rituals of Death, a second MA in Creative writing, and is a TEDx speaker spreading her idea on how to Wear Your Mortality with Pride. Sue launched her YouTube channel, Celebrating Astrology in July 2024 which hosts a wide range of astrological doyens. Her interviews with leading astrologers appear regularly in the Astrological Journal and her articles have been published by Astrodienst.
You must register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom containing information about joining the meeting.
To make a donation of between £1 and £5 for this talk please use the button below.
Since 1981, Aquarius Severn has provided a forum for astrology and related subjects, encouraging exchange of ideas, learning and an exploration of the nature and meaning of astrology.
We provide a gathering place where you can find out more about the many facets of this fascinating subject. Our talks are an opportunity to meet with people from a variety of backgrounds and ages with a shared interest and experience of astrology.
The Society is run entirely by a small group of (unpaid) volunteers and our talks are always free.
You can support us by giving a small donation when registering for our live Zoom talks if you are able to do so, with all donations passed on to our wonderful speakers. A very small amount of your donation is used to help with the running costs of the Society. Thank you!
To make a donation to the society use the button below.
More 2025 talks
Thurs. 6th March 2025 7:30pm (UK time GMD) - Entrance from 7.15pm Chiron conjunct Eris: Healing Crisis or Cathartic Release? with Tamsin St George
27th May 2025 marks the first exact pass of transiting Chiron conjunct Eris, Goddess of Chaos, Discord and Strife at 25 degrees of Aries.
Chiron in Aries represents the wounded masculine and Eris, the radical feminine - no wonder the fusion of these two energies is causing such disquiet! We will explore the timing of their union which offers a choice between fulfilling conscious union of Masculine and Feminine archetypal energy or more wounding and crisis. It feels very relevant that two days before their union, Saturn makes his ingress into Aries, heralding another karmic marker for a time of change and maturing of Arian energy.
The Discovery Charts and archetypal energy of these two signatures will be highlighted, with example client charts and also the chart of a public figure who dramatically illustrates the power of Eris coursing through her crusading energy… How might she respond to this transit, so prominent in her own chart?
You must register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom containing information about joining the meeting.
To make a donation for this talk please use the button below.
3rd April 2025 7:30pm (UK time BST) - Entrance from 7.15pm The Astrology of Twins with Alison Boulton
The Astrology of Twins: Sceptics often use twins to show how astrology cannot possibly be true. However, just a few minutes can have a major impact on natal charts and life outcomes. This talk looks at the birth charts of several pairs of twins, focusing especially on Ashton and Michael Kutcher whose lives dramatically illustrate this point. Alison Boulton MA, D.F.Astrol.S. is a professional astrologer and writer. Her own astrology journey began in the 1980s after an intense consultation with Liz Greene. Inspired, she began reading Dr Greene’s work which led her to Jung and to psychological astrology which she has explored extensively. She holds the Advanced Diploma from the Faculty of Astrological Studies, contributes regular articles to The Astrological Journal and has been published on Astrodienst. Alison is based in the southern French countryside beneath a canopy of stars where she has a busy consultancy practice. Find her on YouTube, Instagram and through her website.
You must register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom containing information about joining the meeting.
To make a donation for this talk please use the button below.
1st May 2025 7:30pm (UK time BST) - Entrance from 7.15pm Astrology and Tarot meeting through the 36 Decans with Teri Nudelman
The decans, one of the essential dignities, go back to ancient Egypt historically. Not only do they add an extra layer to astrological interpretation, but they offer a fascinating way through which astrology can meet another divinatory art: tarot. Teri will act as our guide to explore this collaboration between the two disciplines.
Teri Nudelman has a BA (Honours) in Economics and master’s certificate in Banking and Entrepreneurship. She pursued a successful career in banking sector for 10 years in different parts of the world. She is a practising astrologer and tarot reader trained at the Faculty of Astrological Studies and International Tarot Foundation respectively. Website: https://amethystastrotarot.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amethystastrotarot/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@amethystastrotarot
You must register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom containing information about joining the meeting.
To make a donation for this talk please use the button below.
5th June 2025 7:30pm (UK time BST). Entrance from 7.15pm Uranus in Gemini with Mary Margreiter
Full details to follow soon.
3rd July 2025 7:30pm (UK time BST). Entrance from 7.15pm Planetary Nodes: a global perspective with Catriona Mundle
Full details to follow soon.
7th August 2025 7:30pm (UK time BST). Entrance from 7.15pm Saturn conjunct Neptune: Dreaming a New Real with Liz Hathway
On February 20th 2026, Saturn and Neptune will be conjunct on the Aries point: a fresh cycle, a ‘brave new world’ appears on the horizon. How are we to imagine this great collective swell? What might an exploration of the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aquarius in Neptune’s discovery chart, have to tell us about our relationship to the real? In this talk we will trace an outline of the future, through the lens of the past.
Liz Hathway, MA (with distinction) in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, DFAstrolS, Qualified Horary Craftswoman (Frawley School) is a tutor at ‘De Hermetische Kosmos’ based in Den Bosch, and has lectured on mundane astrology both nationally and internationally since 2004. Originally from South Wales (UK) Liz is a practiscing astrologer who currently lives and works in Amsterdam.
You must register in advance for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email from Zoom containing information about joining the meeting.
To make a donation for this talk please use the button below.
Aquarius Severn needs help !
The Aquarius Severn Astrology Society is run on a voluntary basis by a committee and helpers who spread the work between them.
We need help. Please consider whether you might be able to support Aquarius Severn Astrology Society in a practical way, so that we can continue to thrive.
You do not need to be an astrologer or to live close to our Cheltenham base.
You do need an interest in astrology and an enthusiasm to see the Society continue to flourish.
Specific tasks are accounting, publicity/social media, booking and liaising with speakers.
Involvement in the Society can be as a helper focusing on a specific task or as a committee member having input on a broader level. If you would like to help to keep the Society going, please get in touch with a committee member by email or via our contact page.