![]() Have the last eighteen months seen more scandals than usual - or more to the point have an exceptional number of scandals been brought to light ? July 11 News International phone hacking • Sept 2011 Swiss bank UBS announced that it had lost over 2 billion dollars, as a result of unauthorised trading performed by Kweku Adoboli • Nov 11 The results of over a hundred research papers published by Diederik Stapel denounced, headlined in New Scientist as “Case of Massive Scientific Fraud” • June 12 Ettore Gotti Tedeschi and corruption at the Vatican Bank • July 12 LIBOR interest-rate fixing • Sep 12 Hillsborough Stadium report • Oct 12 Lance Armstrong (Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius - big deception - big charitable giving) and drugs in cycling • Oct 12 allegations against Jimmy Savile A characteristic of recent scandals is how they have not been contained - when a line seems to have been drawn, further revelations occur that draws more people and organisations into the affair. We tend to think of Neptune as obscuring in nature, but it can also remove boundaries, exposing what's been hidden. With Neptune in Pisces (since April 11) it may be that ultimately truth will out - though will the bottom of things every be reached ? Armstrong may forever deny cheating, Savile is dead. Add in the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square and this particularly impacts upon established organisations (Government, Banks, Police, BBC etc.).
AuthorsKris Lee and Graham Boston are astrologers who help run Aquarius Severn. Subsribe to our blog:
August 2018