From tomorrow (April 17th 2014), Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto will form a T-square at 13 degrees of Aries, Cancer and Capricorn respectively. Next week however, on Wednesday April 23rd and Thursday 24th, Mars will join them at 13 degrees Libra. This highly unusual line-up of planets is called in astrology a Grand Cross, and usually indicates a state of great tension, stress and conflict, though with the possibility of creative resolution and transcendence. This can come about through finding a deeper common ground beneath the apparent conflict, or by undergoing a paradigm shift in which the conflict no longer assumes the importance it once had. In an individual's natal chart this can, at its worst, be a marker of great inner conflict, and its highest, of genius. Given the nature of the planets involved and the fact that this is another milestone in the unfolding drama of the series of 7 Uranus-Pluto Squares, this pattern is fraught with potential conflict, though Mars, the astrological significator of aggression, is perhaps at it's weakest at the moment, given that it is both retrograde and in the sign of its detriment, Libra. ![]() (Rodden Rating C - take birth time with caution) It is interesting to note how tied in to this patten is the birthchart of he leader of the Russian Republic, Vladimir Putin, given the escalating tension in Ukraine since their revolution in February this year. Putin's Sun at 13° Libra has been hit by Uranus and Pluto over the last few months, will over the next week be squared by Jupiter (inflating his sense of self) and then on the 23rd and 24th by Mars. Perhaps we can expect him to be at his most belligerent and warlike at this time. The United States is also triggered by this pattern, having its Sun at 13° Cancer and Saturn at 14° Libra. Although both planets are under great stress, the Sun is at least temporarily supported by Jupiter crossing it, whilst its exalted Saturn in Libra may come down firmly on any Martian attempt to threaten its interests. Let us hope that the tensions already apparent in the lead-up to the Grand Cross will be resolved creatively and intelligently, and that its potential for chaos not be unleashed. Individuals with planets at 13° of cardinal signs may also be experiencing great tension at the moment, and given that these signs are associated with decisive action, this is the best way of handling such astrological energies. Anything that reduces stress, such as exercise, running, martial arts, sport, dance, massage etc will also help dissipate the tension and avoid unnecessary conflict with others. Graham
Friday's tragic events in Japan on Friday have bought devastation and grief on a huge scale. Our sympathies are with the injured and the families of the victims.
Although responsible astrologers do not claim to be able to foretell the future in detail, it would seem irresponsible not to try and find out whether there is a correlation between planetary activity and events here on Earth, despite what some British scientists say to the contrary. If such a correlation were found to be reliable, maybe lives could be saved. There are many different ways of doing so. An astrological chart cast for the moment of the quake (the earthquake struck at 5.46am on Friday March 11th) may be instructive, and is something we will add to this blog later. For now however, we will look at the 'birthcharts' of Japan itself and see whether there is any stand-out astrological activity in relation to them. Nick Campion's excellent Book of World Horoscopes lists 3 modern charts for Japan (it also mentions one for the accession of their first emperor, Jimmu, who acceded on 11-0-2-660 (BC) in Kyoto):
Aries, the first sign of the zodiac (and a fire sign), gives the quality of speed, force and energy to whatever planet is travelling through it. Squaring a country's Ascendant/Descendant/Moon could bring obvious (Asc/Desc axis) shocks and surprises that affect the people and the mood of the country (Moon). Paola Emma has written an excellent article on the disaster, which you can read at her website, Living Moon Astrology. Graham |
AuthorsKris Lee and Graham Boston are astrologers who help run Aquarius Severn. Subsribe to our blog:
August 2018