![]() The rioting in London and other English cities over the last few days has come as a shock to most people, but it shouldn't come as a complete surprise to astrologers, since we are in the middle of a dramatic line-up of planets that has its peak of intensity between today (August 9th) and Thursday. Uranus and Pluto have been approaching a square (90 degrees) aspect since the middle of June (see blog post on the subject below), and in the last week, Mars has entered the cardinal sign fray by ingressing into Cancer last Wednesday, since when it has been within orb of both Uranus and Pluto. Mars, is said to be in its fall in Cancer, meaning that its normally direct, assertive energies are more likely to express themselves resentfully. Today it makes the exact square to Uranus, and in the early hours of Thursday, reaches the opposition to Pluto. A more volatile combination of planets, in a more volatile pattern, and in more volatile (or at least, fast-moving) zodiac signs, can hardly be imagined. The fact that cardinal signs are strongly configured in the UK's national charts (especially Capricorn and Cancer) shows our particular sensitivity to these energies. It is to be hoped that once Mars moves on after Thursday's opposition to Pluto, that the energy behind the current unrest, looting and violence, will dissipate as quickly as it arose, although we also have a Full Moon (bringing heightened feelings) to contend with, this weekend. Another possible scenario is that the unrest lasts until the 25th, when angry, resentful Mars is contained by sternly disciplinarian Saturn, currently strong in the sign of its exaltation, Libra. As always, please add your thoughts and comments, and share this post with your friends via the twitter and facebook buttons below. Graham.
AuthorsKris Lee and Graham Boston are astrologers who help run Aquarius Severn. Subsribe to our blog:
August 2018